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DevSecOpsNow is a leading provider of DevSecOps training programs that help organizations and professionals to learn and apply secure software development practices within a DevOps environment. Our DevSecOps training program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to integrate security into every stage of the software development lifecycle.

Our DevSecOps training program covers a wide range of topics, including DevSecOps fundamentals, DevSecOps processes, DevSecOps tools and technologies, security testing and vulnerability management, and compliance and governance. The program is delivered by experienced DevSecOps professionals who have hands-on experience in implementing DevSecOps practices in various environments.

Our training program is designed to be interactive and hands-on, with practical exercises, demos, and discussions that enable participants to apply DevSecOps concepts to real-world scenarios. The program also includes assessments and certifications to validate the participants’ knowledge and skills in DevSecOps practices.

Our DevSecOps training program can be customized to meet the specific needs of the organization or the participants, such as focusing on specific tools or technologies used in their environment. The training program can be delivered in various formats, such as in-person, virtual, or self-paced online courses, to accommodate different learning styles and schedules.

Our DevSecOps training program is ideal for software developers, IT professionals, security professionals, and managers who want to learn how to implement secure software development practices within a DevOps environment. By completing our training program, participants can differentiate themselves from their peers, advance their careers, and contribute to their organization’s culture of security and compliance.

Overall, our DevSecOps training program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to implement secure software development practices within a DevOps environment, making them valuable assets to any organization that values secure software development practices.

Course Title: DevSecOps Fundamentals Course Duration: 5 Days

Day 1: Introduction to DevSecOps

  • What is DevSecOps and why it matters?
  • The benefits of DevSecOps over traditional security practices
  • Key principles and practices of DevSecOps

Day 2: DevSecOps Process

  • Understanding the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and how it fits in DevSecOps
  • Applying DevSecOps practices to each stage of SDLC
  • Risk management and threat modeling for DevSecOps

Day 3: DevSecOps Tools and Technologies

  • Introduction to DevOps tools and their role in DevSecOps
  • Implementing security controls and automating security testing using tools like Jenkins, Git, Docker, and Kubernetes
  • Deploying Infrastructure as Code (IaC) securely

Day 4: Security Testing and Vulnerability Management

  • How to identify security vulnerabilities and prioritize their remediation
  • Implementing security testing techniques like static analysis, dynamic analysis, and penetration testing
  • Continuous vulnerability management and monitoring

Day 5: Compliance and Governance

  • Introduction to compliance frameworks like HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR
  • Incorporating compliance into DevSecOps processes
  • Best practices for governance in DevSecOps

The training program should be designed to be hands-on and interactive, with practical exercises, demos, and discussions to help participants apply DevSecOps concepts to real-world scenarios. The training program should also include assessments and certifications to validate the participants’ knowledge and skills in DevSecOps practices.

The training program can be delivered in various formats, such as in-person, virtual, or self-paced online courses, to accommodate different learning styles and schedules. Additionally, the program can be customized to meet the specific needs of the organization or the participants, such as focusing on specific tools or technologies used in their environment.

Overall, a comprehensive DevSecOps training program can help organizations to implement secure software development practices within their DevOps environment and create a culture of security and compliance.