Wire directive for button to submit in livewire

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Use wire:click or wire:submit in Livewire to submit a form using a button that has the wire directive.impede instructions according on your need.

1. Using wire:click for a button:

You can use a button click to start a method in your Livewire component that manages form submissions, like this one:

<button type="button" wire:click="submitForm">Submit</button>

In your Livewire component:

public function submitForm()
    // Handle form submission

2. Using wire:submit.prevent for a form:

Use the wire:submit.prevent directive on the form element if you would rather handle the submission after the form is submitted:

<form wire:submit.prevent="submitForm">
    <!-- Form fields go here -->
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In your Livewire component:

public function submitForm()
    // Handle form submission

The wire:submit.prevent directive prevents the default form submission behavior and instead triggers the submitForm method in your Livewire component.

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